The final countdown to GDPR

GDPR UK, European Deadline 25th May 2018

At the time of writing this article, there is just 1 day, 8 hours and 38 minutes to go to the deadline for GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). GDPR has been a hot potato over the past several months with everyone who knows a little becoming an expert or influencer in the subject. But with less than 48 hours to go, have you implemented the policies, the security measures and taken the necessary steps to protect the personal data you hold? If not there is still time to take action. 

Even once the deadline of 25th May 2018 passes, it doesn't mean you can't implement or review your best practices and put in to place the correct systems, procedures and documentation. GDPR is not just about doing things right, it is also about continuing to keep doing the right things and reviewing and tweaking your GDPR policies. 

I am aware of some organisations who have taken a back seat on the whole implementation process, they are going to wait until the heat diminishes and then implement what they have learned from others. But on the flip side, many SME's (Small to Medium Size Enterprises) are panicking and still don't understand what is expected or what they need to do before the deadline is reached. 

Who do you listen to? Who can help? I keep hearing conflicting information and stories? These are some of the comments which keep cropping up in conversation as I meet and speak with various businesses and organisations. 

Here is a list of some great resources and links which may help;-

GDPR Data & information security

If you are looking for support with your IT systems, infrastructure, software, hosting or telephony services then Newton IT Solutions can help. Not only do we provide in-house specialised services to make sure you are GPDR compliant, but we also partner with some of the leading providers of security, management and training solutions. 

Make sure your IT systems are ready for GDPR by completing this Information Security Checklist via the ICO Website -

If you want to find out more about Newton IT and how we can support your organisation, then why not get in touch and take advantage of our free no obligation review service. 

Just complete your details in the form below and we will call you back or you can call us on 020 8782 1966


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